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Heresymania - Battle Titans - System Overload - March 30

Heresymania - Battle Titans - System Overload - March 30

New, 6 in stock
CAD$ 15.00
  • Description

    HeresyMania: Battle Titans – System Overload
    Date: Sunday March 30th
    Entry Fee: $15
    Capacity: 10 players
    Size: 2000 Pts (4 Stratagems)
    Tickets: Will be on Gauntlet's site
    Missions: Using the Titanicus - Matched Play Guide, players will roll for their missions (here if needed: https://drive.google.com/.../1VqAh.../view...)
    Preamble/setup: 9:45am
    Round 1: 10:15am-1:00pm
    Lunch: 1:00pm – 1:45pm
    Round 2: 1:45:pm – 4:30pm
    Prizes: Store credit for: Most engine kills, 1 random player draw, 1 random draw for all fully painted players
    Players must use the most up to date Adeptus Titanicus rules found in the books.
    FAQs & errata can be found on: https://www.warhammer-community.com/.../x1kCws4HqSQwI9YH.pdf
    If an answer can’t be found, ask Eric and be prepared to be told to just roll a dice.
    Lists should be available in an easy-to-read format including relevant wargear, upgrades, and points if needed.
    Things to bring: Players are expected to bring their army, dice, tape measure, all relevant rules publications (physical or digital), objective markers (you may need 3 per player). It is not required to use the physical terminals if you want to use an app or fancy device, but please make it easy for your opponent to know your titans status. If you are using a digital device, do not forget a charger for it!!
    Painting/Modeling: Players are not required to play with fully painted armies as we try and grow the community, but it is HIGHLY encouraged. Your army will need to be painted with a minimum of 3 colors with a detailed/textured base to be considered painted (eligible for the raffle prize).
    Any questions please message either Martin Gonzalez or Eric Prospero-Burns regarding this event on Facebook Messenger.